December 26


Welcome to Charlotte’s Art

I’m uploading my art, pictures and prose to different categories and while you can search subjects and categories, besides this one: (23 Things About Me) here are some other easy links. Further down the page, you see a list of literally everything in the site freshly updated and organized by category and title.

My Poetry

My Musings and Soliloqies

Writing When I’m Hurt

Stories and Tracts

Things That Inspired Me

Pictures and Videos 

Everything in One Go

This site is dedicated to my daughters, whom someday may come to know me as adults and see me through different, enlightened eyes. Maybe as adults you will recognize the difference between what you may have heard as children, and what you discover about your mother, here.     -Char

Ours is a culture that enshrines the ephemeral and simultaneously shuns others in the most arbitrary way. Our deepest instinct is the desire to do something enduring and timeless (I often muse that the unoriginal just have children as a legacy). But to be graced with such acknowledgement is scarce, especially if we deserve it. But I write on, like an imbecile, like a genius, like a pretty day– fleeting and as inpermanent as what makes up all things pretty. My point is, all this is going to vanish, all that will be left is what is written. Without pen-to-paper the past would completely vanish into the ether. We would be left with a disjointed and hazy memory of life with any gaps hastily filled with another man’s affect. Like a copy of a copy of a copy… a sad parody of its original. So here is my version, my take on life in general. A life so far removed from other lives as to be characterized as absurd, unfortunate, and downright ungainly at many points…. And this writer is okay with that.



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