March 25




I am so very nervous these days- My hands shake, I am so jumpy.  Chris is begging for chances I will not give him, and being way too nice.  I am cringing and waiting for the other shoe to drop.


I sit here in Lexington, Kentucky Cracker Barrel eaten alive with nervous ticks- back against the wall, fearing him eight hours away.


I just want control of my life again, I need that power back.


No more intimidation, so subtle his parents blindly overlook it- no more promises….Just a peace within me and focus where it belongs.


I untether my happiness from my circumstances.


~Charlotte Greer Slater


Category: Hurting When I Write | Comments Off on Fear
March 25

We Must Be Over 30

We Must Be Over 30

When I grow old
I shall dress myself in the artworks of my younger days
I’ll scoop them up around me to decorate myself
I shall rest on their piles in comfort
The life within them will reflect lively color into my cheeks
will cast a catch light in my fading eyes
My poems and prose, my photos and drawings
will tell the story of who I was, of who I still am.
I will repose on the life within them, my works, my joy
Their inherent verve will be my pulse
Instead of fading vitality, see the life and passion, the joy within,
the things that matter so much,
the sating fullness I gained from them,
the desperate importance I placed on the subjects within them.
Disregard my apparent senescence. It isn’t me.
My work – read it, look it in the eye, try it on, luxuriate in it
Sink into the images, visual and verbal
Let them swirl around you and take you to another place
That’s where you’ll find me –
Elegantly draped in their thriving essence
Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on We Must Be Over 30
March 25

Their Adult Realization Is Coming

Their Adult Realization Is Coming

Editor’s note: This was untitled but it deals with how children can be estranged by a parent by many things. Eventually though, children become adults and question everything they were told. And many come to find out the truth. Until then…

I put my love into photographs, slowly pictures replaced people in my heart. I often stifled panic, fearing that I would not recognize their voices if they were to finally call.  For them, our shared memories are bastardized by propaganda, denuded of value, poisoned over time.  I feel as if I sit quietly in an anteroom waiting for death to find me.  Waiting for all the hurt to become too much to bear.  But I am left wondering how much hurt that will be… how long will it take?  How much more will I have to endure?  More importantly, how much will my girls have to endure?

The truth, is it too dangerous for them to see the truth?  Would it spell disaster in their existence?  Or would they bravely come to see that truth?  My girls are the real victims.  How would my poor girls reconcile the truth with their reality?  Would they be able to?  They would have to have a fortitude of epic proportions.

Would it be better just to seep into the background and not ask for such truths to be rendered?  Would it be better for them to just live out their lives in ignorance?  Their father certainly Hope’s they never see the ugly truth of what he is capable of.. the girls would be left feeling like innocent lambs succored by the very devil himself. And the betrayal would burn for all eternity I fear.

I am so sorry MacKay and Piper… sorry for what he did to us.  It is all a lie.. that which he has fed you, and the paramour only swooped in to steal my children from me… she is a pox.  One day she will betray my girls the worst.. she will twist the knife like no other in my girls world.


Category: Hurting When I Write | Comments Off on Their Adult Realization Is Coming
March 25

Perfect, After All?

Perfect, After All?

Many years ago, I requested that my then-husband and I attend marital therapy. After years and years of covert, hidden abuse, I thought I was losing my mind. I had reached a point where my fragile sanity was questioning whether I was making the abuse up.
This is what happened when we entered therapy for the first time.
I sit down on the sofa first, my husband sits in the seat opposite before standing up to remove his jacket and stare idly around the room looking I know, for somewhere to hang his precious clothing. I note our therapist clocking this. He takes my husband’s jacket and hangs it on the back of his door.
My husband has shown his hand.
I wonder to myself if our therapist has noticed the first clue of my husband’s character — his unmistakable self-importance. As the three of us have never met before, I know he will be absorbing every cue, both verbal and non-verbal.
I am stiff as a board — my body is tightly wound up; clusters of agony from our 12 years together: heartbreak, tension, and anxiety and trepidation are scrunched up like a ball of old paper. My mind and my soul are heavy with anguish.
When our therapist asks us what has brought us here today, my husband — the love of my life answers coldly —
“Well I think Charlotte should tell us as I don’t even know myself.” A disinterested scoff leaves his possession.
He has shown his hand again. How he — the smart and cunning one — doesn’t realize is beyond me. Despite the depth of heartbreak moving my soul, I still see him for all that he is  — deeply self-loathing, and fervently motivated to prove that the opposite is the case to a human being that he has never before met. That cause is more important to him than his loyalty to his own wife.
I wonder to myself: Don’t you think our own therapist can see through you?
I feel for him. And I am reminded why we are still together; because I have forgiven a thousand sins in the name of empathy and understanding. I have chosen him above myself from the day we united.
I open my mouth to speak and struggle to find voice. Heaving arrests my form; you can hear it in my vocal chords — the hoarseness coming from difficulty breathing, deep in my diaphragm.
I tell the room in between heavy sobbing, that I love my husband more than life itself — that we have been together for 12 years, but we are broken. I tell the space in front of me, that my husband is aggressive and passive-aggressive, that I can’t discern what is real anymore and I don’t remember what is normal from what is not. And I say that I no longer feel safe in our union, that my spirit has been under attack for as long as I can remember.
I break down. I literally, cannot cope.
For all the seriousness of my words, they are underscored by a fear that our therapist will view me as the perpetrator and my husband as the victim — cognitive dissonance running amok and wreaking havoc in my broken mind.
Our therapist spends time listening to my husband’s response, which I don’t recall. I just remember that he was complimenting him — on his intelligence, and his power. My husband was confused, I was not. I knew what he was doing — road testing his instinct that my husband may have NPD.
I know my husband agreed with our therapist’s compliments, but he so dislikes being swindled, or rather — having somebody one step ahead of him, so I see the cogs of his mind whirring fast — trying to establish or verify the authenticity of our therapist’s comments.
I don’t remember exactly, but I think around 40 minutes in, our therapist suggests that taking a personality profile test may be useful — for us to understand each other better. We both agree to take the test.
I know what’s coming.
We spend the next week apart, and seven days later we return to our therapist’s little room, our eyes not meeting once as they have done day after day for eleven years.
Our gentle therapist tells us the profile assessments are complete, and he will now hand us our spouses report to read.
I feel like something or someone has died and he’s announcing the death to us much like a surgeon does to grieving loved ones in the waiting room, when he has failed to save the life of their beloved.
Our therapist explains we will then swap and read our own reports, and discuss whether each one is commensurate with our own perceptions, of each other, and of ourselves. We acknowledge the instructions silently and take the reports he hands to us.
I read the first paragraph in milliseconds before collapsing into uncontrollable grief. I can’t cope with what I am reading. My brain hurts, my spirit is splintering for certain. This is a pain like I have never known before.
The assessment of my husband confirms that he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
In this micro-instant, I think my heart shatters into a thousand shards. A million thoughts and fears race through my mind.
I am heartbroken for my husband; the little I know about this disorder tells me that NPD is borne out of suffering and neglect in childhood. What fate befell him as a child?
I am heartbroken for myself too — as I thought it was me that was the source of all our problems; years of covert gas-lighting have totally eroded my sense of reality, I have come to believe that everything my husband had said over the years is true —that in his words — I am “the damager of everything”.
The bittersweet pain of relief is literally overwhelming. I finish reading the three pages of his report, whilst he is still reading the first of mine.
Over the course of the following weeks, I watch as our therapist so carefully ‘handles’ my husband’s personality disorder. He is clear, firm, and plays along to all my husband’s character flaws; his need to be seen as all-powerful, supremely intelligent and superior, and his need to be seen as the victim.
Our therapist plays into his hands. And this is for one reason and one reason only – that were he not to, he would lose this client – my husband would have abandoned the process of therapy if our therapist had tackled him and his personality issues head on. Instead I watched in admiration and awe, of how skillfully he brought out unconscious drives and behaviours in my husband.
In the end, I asked my husband for a divorce. He never returned to therapy after that moment – entirely normal for someone suffering from NPD. Why would they need therapy, when they are perfect after all?

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March 25


Can an empath be broken by a narcissist?

Absolutely. I know I was, but, the breaking of people like me, is like breaking a perfume vial, shattering it to pieces, only to have the alluring scent waft out into the atmosphere, to touch the lives of others, in increasingly profound ways.
It’s like crushing nutmeg, or coriander, and smelling the aromatics, salivating, tasting it in the air, imagining just how sweet and tantalizing this must be, craving for more than a simple whiff.
What we have cannot be contained, and isn’t meant to be contained. Our essence is meant to be shared, to heal, to nurture, and to love.
The Narcissist has no clue just how strong and beautiful we will become, in the aftermath of the hell that they inflict.
Those of us broken to bits by the gutter kings among us will always rise from the ashes, becoming beautiful, unstoppable creatures of divine wrath, with healing in our wings.
Fire purifies. We didn’t ask for it, but we got it, we survived it, and we rise above it, which is something the Narcissist cannot do.
You crushed us, you broke us, and now you cannot stop us. How sad for you, to watch us bloom and grow, while you perpetually wither away on your path of chaos and destruction, forever lost in self-delusion, blaming the world for your self-created sorrows.

Category: Like Soliloquies | Comments Off on Break
March 9

Unravel Me

Unravel Me

Unravel me, a distant cord
that on the outside is forgotten
for the river I continually ford
manifests a constant need ill begotten
The road is long, the memory slides
to the whole of my undoing
I put aside, I put away
I push it back to get through each day
And all I feel is black and white
and I’m wound up small and tight
and I don’t know who I am
Once again flunking life’s biggest exam
Mama needs for me to be okay
So like Edison I send the keys to me up the line on my kite
It is only my psyche to defray
as little me heads out of sight
He just needs me to behave
be the little adult and I win affection untold
willing child motivated by the attention I crave
Who knew Pandora’s box would unfold?
Parents who gave me the finest they had on offer
I am reminded their best is sometimes second best
So I became a little child busker
at my well meaning parent’s behest
Everybody loves you when you’re easy
everybody hates when you’re a bore
everyone is waiting for your entrance
so don’t disappoint them anymore
Unravel me, untie this cord
key to the very center of our union
all’s caving in and we have little to afford
the archive of our failures I do blazon
My façade has pushed beyond the brink
a delicate thing intended for nurture
Now into my abyss only I must sink
and retrieve the child on the poster
When the kite reveals little one riding the camber
and the floodgates do open
I will fight the urge to sail my kite ever higher
instead draw it in, allowing Perdita to burgeon
My sincere desire to attain contentment
my prize a beautiful family to lead
determined to make pleasant a remnant
It is my singular focus to succeed
For everyone should know how to cry
and no one should submit to such cycles
rejection should be saved for a later tide
and children should be little rascals
Emotions should be felt intrinsically
admitting parents can’t always be paragons
relationships should be cultivated from genuine honesty
and our true selves equipped with pitons
And all I feel is black and white
and I’m wound up so small and tight
and I don’t know who I am
with emerging emotion fighting the deadpan

~Charlotte Greer Slater 8.24.11

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Unravel Me
March 9

I Chose

I Chose

Today I chose it over the ocean
Over the trees, their fall leaves
A hawk perched high on a branch
Over the chandelier of sunlight broken
By a cathedral of trees
On azure waves: over sweet smelling flowers
Shaped like teacups and trumpets
Over my ivy garden where I once dreamt
Today I chose the steeper path
I stare defiantly at God’s wrath
I dare the world to encumber me
For I shall chose to shed its weight
And dwell with the stars and moon
Above the treetops
With the owls and night noise
Today I found a reservoir
I chose to find the font inside myself
I will lie down in crocuses
But rise again to the treetops
With owls and night noise
To lift me high

~Charlotte Greer Slater 3.10.09

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on I Chose
March 9

The Ox

The Ox

Charlotte Greer Slater 8.21.2011

My feelings vacillate in a boustrophedon fashion
Back and forth like an ox plowing his plot
Except my plot is unknown and full of passion
Which leaves me increasingly distraught
All I write is amphigory
My thoughts a muddled farrago
Decisions with no boundary
As the ox and my brows furrow
Time is my advantage unexploited
Sadly unable to address my desires
By deep seated feelings I am haunted
Too deep for divining even from lit pyres
Steely resolve is my episemon
As I flail in my phrontistery hell
Loved ones cringe as they watch from the panopticon
As my urge to prove myself I do quell
The ox is a strong and dutiful creature
Sagacious he will never be
But I am compelled to end the debate by cloture
And set the dumb beast and I free

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on The Ox
March 9

I Know Your Secret

Hey Grandma, I know your secret
To be young and wild and free
I read your diary and see the gauntlet
I can see you screaming inside like a banshee
Long raven hair shines like mink
Eyes pale blue like mine
Youth and vibrancy completely in sync
Belle of the ball for all time
Your suitors were the pick of the town
Young beaus showed promise left and right
But your promised suitor let you down
Left you with a burden in the twilight
I imagine the fear you held inside
Every stigma haunting you and pressed for time
Your only shelter a man that could provide
Your choice in matrimony I can only divine
I wish you could forgive yourself
I don’t think you ever did
Please put your diary upon the shelf
You paid penance tenfold for the secrets you hid
Life is complicated and scandal is rife
We oftimes fail to hit the mark
Attempting damage control on our unmitigated strife
When left with ugly secrets in the dark
~Charlotte Greer Slater 7.5.11

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on I Know Your Secret
March 9

The Journey

The Journey
One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice —
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
“Mend my life!”
each voice cried.
But you didn’t stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do —
determined to save
the only life you could save.
~ Mary Oliver ~

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