March 9

The Ox

The Ox

Charlotte Greer Slater 8.21.2011

My feelings vacillate in a boustrophedon fashion
Back and forth like an ox plowing his plot
Except my plot is unknown and full of passion
Which leaves me increasingly distraught
All I write is amphigory
My thoughts a muddled farrago
Decisions with no boundary
As the ox and my brows furrow
Time is my advantage unexploited
Sadly unable to address my desires
By deep seated feelings I am haunted
Too deep for divining even from lit pyres
Steely resolve is my episemon
As I flail in my phrontistery hell
Loved ones cringe as they watch from the panopticon
As my urge to prove myself I do quell
The ox is a strong and dutiful creature
Sagacious he will never be
But I am compelled to end the debate by cloture
And set the dumb beast and I free

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Posted March 9, 2020 by Charlotte Von Wolfle Greer in category "All of Charlotte's Poetry

About the Author

From Review: "Charlotte von Wolfle Greer is an artist in the truest sense of the word. Tormented, embattled, strong, fearless and fearful. Curious, and full of wonder yet jaded and defeated at times. An artist shares what they feel. A true and brave artist shares what they feel completely as Charlotte does, in these pages." -Erik Johnson