March 25




Our lives are like a symphony

Success and failure make up the notes

Resulting a plaintive harmony

Life’s beauty it does denote


But her symphony is off key

A lament from major to minor

The sound a jarring cacophony

Testament to all that divides her


When her music plays

No one fills the hall

Avoiding the musical dismay

For the screeching woodwinds only appall


Maybe a better conductor is required

To shape the composers strife

Will someone help me?  She inquires

For my music cuts like a knife


While the rest is akin to Beethoven and Bach

Hers is a tuneless lament

She suffers every off-key shock

Of a skewed life misspent                                                        


Charlotte Greer Slater 3/19/2012

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Posted March 25, 2020 by Charlotte Von Wolfle Greer in category "All of Charlotte's Poetry

About the Author

From Review: "Charlotte von Wolfle Greer is an artist in the truest sense of the word. Tormented, embattled, strong, fearless and fearful. Curious, and full of wonder yet jaded and defeated at times. An artist shares what they feel. A true and brave artist shares what they feel completely as Charlotte does, in these pages." -Erik Johnson