March 25




The light is fading 

Time for growing bodies to slumber

I sing them old lullabies after bathing

Then kiss rosy cheeks, watching consciousness glimmer


When they lay down their golden heads,

I can’t help but linger, 

Reading the excitement of sleep on their dormant little faces

Breathing stertorous, nothing but a murmur


Enter the sleep monitors without delay.

A cat and a corgi to send them on their way

Peaceful dreams furry warm bodies do convey

A comfort only they can parlay


Swiftly, their lithe little bodies take over

Pulling them deeper into much needed sleep

I tell God how I love my little kinder

As I pray for their little souls to keep


~Charlotte Greer Slater 7.7.11

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Posted March 25, 2020 by Charlotte Von Wolfle Greer in category "All of Charlotte's Poetry

About the Author

From Review: "Charlotte von Wolfle Greer is an artist in the truest sense of the word. Tormented, embattled, strong, fearless and fearful. Curious, and full of wonder yet jaded and defeated at times. An artist shares what they feel. A true and brave artist shares what they feel completely as Charlotte does, in these pages." -Erik Johnson