I have been thinking for awhile
About churchyards full of clover
And the man who comes to mow it
Every Thursday afternoon
He knows that once he’s done it
He’ll only do it over
For the clover will just bloom again
Inevitable process and no slow grower
But the clover pays no mind
It only reads its lines
That’s all it knows to do
For nature gave it a script to follow through
Clover only knows to flower
No matter what besets it
In the valiant hope it’s easy
For wandering bees to detect it
We too, should be like clover
Everyone should learn to flower
No matter what besets us
Disregarding the hour
For the sun just keeps on shining
And the man just keeps on mowing
And the clover just keeps on growing
In the same old-fashioned way.
~Charlotte Greer Slater