Never Be Mine II
Never Be Mine
I look at you and see
My life that might have been
I recall the owl claiming the big tree
He will forever be a reminder of you and me
Something to be admired from afar
A thing to claim as mine
But the sheen on you and I we cannot mar
For it will be suspended for all time.
Maybe I want you as a dream
Not the reality
But everything is not what it seems
And the motions we go through are a mere formality
Now I am looking back over my shoulder
At you finding happiness without me
One year older, one year bolder
The pieces of our love scattered like debris
This is where a long to be
This is what I need
Is this where I want to be?
Is this what I need?
Regardless of my wants, I must set you free
I know this will never be mine
I am left with the promises I made
I feel the shame of not making them real
I left you feeling betrayed
I feel the added pain of a need to conceal
We must act as if all is fine
We must distance ourselves from the lifeline
I must strike fish heads from my mind
And know this will never be mine
~Charlotte 3.27.09
Kettle Whistle
All Worn Out
I’m All Worn Out
Watch your hands,
I’m hot to the touch.
Promise me,
because I’ve had enough.
Laugh out loud,
and watch the neighbors stare.
Scream and shout,
I don’t care.
I’m running out,
I’m running out,
I’m all worn out.
Christen me,
I need to purify.
Bury me,
because it’s time to die.
Keep drama over there.
Punish me,
I don’t care.
I’m running out,
I’m running out.
I’m all worn out.
I need a drink.
I need a smoke,
to enjoy inside my empty heart.
I’m running out,
I’m running out.
I’m all worn out.
~Charlotte Slater 2010
Here Comes the Sunshine
Here comes the sunshine
Here comes that daughter of mine
Here comes wit sublime
Here’s a poem for her for all time
Sweet kisses
Three wishes
Lovely MacKay
The most beautiful
The most willful
The most fantastic countenance
I have ever seen
Sweet bliss
A mirthful twist
Lovely MacKay
You bring me so much joy
A love that does not cloy
My heart you fully employ
Sweet MacKay
~Charlotte Greer Slater 8.7.09
Halcyon Day
What have I done?
Destroyed our peace
Might as well have used a gun
This is not catch and release
Go find a nice little house wife,
Someone whose love and beauty pales
Who will give you a steady life.
And not keep going off the rails.
Our plan was not to run around
Yet we exist in a graceful arc
But there I was in the lost and found
Across the falling dark
Let me sing my song to you
One last time
Let me bring my love for you
and hear your heart chime
So I die inside now
A little more each day
I cry inside for a vow
And attempt to hide the fray
Fight for me my darling, save me my groom
Like the little starling stunned from the impact
With the windows that seal my room
I sit panicked and frail in your palm unable to react
Don’t cry dearheart
Don’t cry dearheart
Let me soothe those fears
For life is tough in parts
Marring pretty pictures with all the smears
I loved you from the very start
Gave you all of me
So all I want to impart
Is that my love will set you free
So put it in your toolbox
Hide it away for none to see
It will protect you from the evil pox
That life has come to be
~Charlotte Greer Slater 2.1.2011
Datura, amaranth;
Her scent, it permeates the air.
A peremptory glance,
a darkness I never knew was there –
but so sweet,
this carcinogenic kiss,
bludgeoning me.
In each eye, a purple crescent.
The darkest shade of silken hair,
yet so softly luminescent.
Her arms ’round my neck in mantis prayer.
Tonight I wed
The Lady Death.
With lips so red
she’ll steal my breath…
She is the end of me.
She’ll take my life into her core.
Anima; legacy…
The Lady Death: Beautiful whore.
Corgi Dogs, cats, kittens, turtles and terriers oh my!
What would I do without their eager faces to lift me high?
I couldn’t imagine a day without them even if I try.
A moment doesn’t pass without a cat in my lap or a dog with a ball ready to fly.
And when night comes I have furry bed companions to whisk me asleep when the time is nigh.
~Charlotte 5.29.09