March 25




The light is fading 

Time for growing bodies to slumber

I sing them old lullabies after bathing

Then kiss rosy cheeks, watching consciousness glimmer


When they lay down their golden heads,

I can’t help but linger, 

Reading the excitement of sleep on their dormant little faces

Breathing stertorous, nothing but a murmur


Enter the sleep monitors without delay.

A cat and a corgi to send them on their way

Peaceful dreams furry warm bodies do convey

A comfort only they can parlay


Swiftly, their lithe little bodies take over

Pulling them deeper into much needed sleep

I tell God how I love my little kinder

As I pray for their little souls to keep


~Charlotte Greer Slater 7.7.11

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Bedtime
March 25

Unrest is my prescription

Unrest is my prescription

Uneasy is my manner

Unsettled is my description

Unctuous is my mood


The nervous energy keeps me going

I feel cast adrift with nothing to cling to

It seems my life I am throwing

To the wind without a clue


I know I am strong

I know I will survive

I just need a place to belong

I need to imagine and describe


That lovely horse farm

Big front porch

Horses in the barn

And a good man to share it with


~Charlotte Greer Slater  


Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Unrest is my prescription
March 25




Our lives are like a symphony

Success and failure make up the notes

Resulting a plaintive harmony

Life’s beauty it does denote


But her symphony is off key

A lament from major to minor

The sound a jarring cacophony

Testament to all that divides her


When her music plays

No one fills the hall

Avoiding the musical dismay

For the screeching woodwinds only appall


Maybe a better conductor is required

To shape the composers strife

Will someone help me?  She inquires

For my music cuts like a knife


While the rest is akin to Beethoven and Bach

Hers is a tuneless lament

She suffers every off-key shock

Of a skewed life misspent                                                        


Charlotte Greer Slater 3/19/2012

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Symphony
March 25




I hear the red tails

Make their plaintive calls

Look as if they should leave contrails

Riding thermals high in the sky

Making me wish I could fly


It is a mated pair

See how their flight patterns intertwine?

As they drift in the air

See their feathers so fine?


I wonder if she is carrying eggs.

Has their nest site been claimed?

Have they built a platform of sticks and twigs?

Has their territory been proclaimed?


I wish you luck my fine feathered friends

For life is too short to be at loose ends.


~Charlotte Greer Slater


For Mama on mothers day


Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on RAPTORS
March 25

Prayers for Rain

Prayers for Rain

I beg for rain
I plead in vain
now I find I have gutters full of rain
to ease the pain

I listen to the drumming on the roof
I lay bare in my bed
this is nothing more than proof
that the demons are at play in my head

The rain washes me clean
a temporary respite
a moment for me not to demean
to the troubles unseen

I still jump at every noise
still looking over my shoulder
Still attempting to maintain poise
still letting the hurt smolder

So come rain, put out my fire
let me fall asleep to your soothing patter
and get lost in the mire
after all, what does it matter?

~Charlotte 5.2.09

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Prayers for Rain
March 25

Prayer to the Sandman

Prayer to the Sandman


I listen to my music

Pen poised in hand

I hear the purring of a cat

I feel soft sheets beneath me


I see soft lighting

Unpacked boxes of books

Things yet undone from a great upheaval


Now I feel the furry warmth of my beloved pewter

Snuggled to my side

I hear my loyal corgi-dog

Shift at the foot of the bed and sigh


I see stark walls;

Awaiting my beloved prints

Pamphlets gathered from my latest horsey function


I am wearing a soft grey t-shirt

A big sloppy one

Given to me by an old boyfriend long ago


I am propped on pillows

Writing fast to maintain my exhaustive train of thought

The blinds are drawn

I proverbially draw the blinds on my day

As if to say ‘goodnight world’

Please let this be a proper rest

For the first time in ages


Let me slip into sleep oh elusive sandman

Let me sleep and dream of sheep


~Charlotte Greer Slater


Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Prayer to the Sandman
March 25

Of the moment exercise

Of the moment exercise


I sit in the car

It is 9:21 am

I wait and soak up the sun


Today I feel above par

And I am ready for rewarding fun

The car interior is warm

So is the sun on my face and arms


I hear airplanes

I see endless azure skies

I admire the first green leaves 

Upon the trees

Oh how they inspire


I am being patient

I am taking time

To write a few lines


I am expectant

To see an old friend

Who needs a little nursing

As means to an end


~Charlotte Greer Slater


Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Of the moment exercise
March 25

The Back of My Mind

The Back of My Mind


Here comes the night again,

Left feeling so hurt for two little girls.

Makes it hard to pretend,

I’m okay with what life sometimes unfurls.


I hold you both close in the back of my mind.

But I know it’s for naught,

Because he doesn’t play like our kind,

I am painfully familiar with the onslaught.


The hole in my heart like a vacuum, 

It whistles, what if you fail again?

All his ugly words well up in the void like a sad tune,

But my little engine fights, says I think i can.


So I hold my little girls in the back of my mind,

Whisper for them to be strong.

Now I pray to God for strength in any sign,

For I gave up asking him why things went so wrong.


My apron strings stretch for miles, my little girls.

My hope and faith and determination with them.

But when big blue eyes sprout tears like pearls,

I feel like the loveliest of flowers crimped at the stem.


So let me hold you tight in the back of my mind,

Where he cannot reach us.

Listen when I whisper be strong and act so in kind,

Never let him pull asunder our mutual trust.


So here we three are, my arms wrapped around you,

I will sing you songs and stroke your long blonde hair.

Please don’t forget it’s your mama who will see you through

For it is I who lives and breathes for your every care.


April 16th, 2014

Charlotte von Wolfle Greer


Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry, Hurting When I Write | Comments Off on The Back of My Mind
March 25

I Want So Many Things

I want so many things

So many things I desperately need

But I cannot succeed


I am adrift and desperately looking

Seeking attention

I am nervous ticks

Restless and lost


I cannot trust myself

I fear my own impact

I only hope I come out of this intact.


I need help

I need my friends

But somehow this minute I am struck mute.


I have no escape

I have no car

I am left agape 

At my bleeding scars


My body paces

Emotions raw

My heart races

At my chains I gnaw


I do not trust myself

I do not know why

When I attempt to divest myself

I feel like a kite that will not fly


Watch as I self destruct

Unravel at the seams

My manner I cannot conduct

I have lost touch with my dreams


~Charlotte Greer Slater


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