March 9

I Chose (With Preface)


When we go beyond the fear of solitude and abandonment, and we realize we will not perish, the triumph and submission make us stronger.

It is as if we finally morph into the lovely butterfly of literature and light.

All artifice aside, along with foolish hopes and expectations, one is able to feel true happiness… a contentment earned.

A happiness not bestowed upon us, but a very personal achievement illuminated by the trials and tribulations that life presents us.

This search we lead in life, not knowing what the ethereal creature is that we search for so desperately, is not in vain.

So when we give up everything of lesser likeness, and go for our true inner  peace, our life is suddenly our own, no longer there to be taken by anyone, or metered out by any being.

The butterfly has taken flight.


I wrote the following on that day of epiphany:

I Chose

Today I chose it over the ocean
Over the trees, their fall leaves
A hawk perched high on a branch
Over the chandelier of sunlight broken
By a cathedral of trees
On azure waves: over sweet smelling flowers
Shaped like teacups and trumpets
Over my ivy garden where I once dreamt
Today I chose the steeper path
I stare defiantly at God’s wrath
I dare the world to encumber me
For I shall chose to shed its weight
And dwell with the stars and moon
Above the treetops
With the owls and night noise
Today I found a reservoir
I chose to find the font inside myself
I will lie down in crocuses
But rise again to the treetops
With owls and night noise
To lift me high
~Charlotte Greer

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March 9

In The Half-Light

In the half-light
Here I am in the half-light
Toes dig in the grass
What a glorious night
Twilight with clouds that scud by
Hiding the moons great mass
Hear it, hear the wee owl?
He does not fear the half-light
I sit and listen
As he sings with all his might
You are just in reach when thoughts escape me
I know sometimes it is hard to trace
By the looks on my face
In the half-light
on a clear night
It is easier to be contrite
Than discuss what lies in the air tonight
It is easier to fight with all my might
Then give into the half-light
And the wee owl sings along
He sings to the throng of all left unsaid
He sings for the fears in my head
To the half-light,
the wee owl will forever belong.
Charlotte Slater 2008

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March 9


I just wrote this, and I can only share this shit with the likes of you, so here goes…
When I die,
My atoms will come undone;
I’ll be space dust, once again.
The wind will carry me;
Scatter me everywhere;
Like dandelions in springtime.
I’ll visit worlds and alien moons;
It will be so damned poeticUntil I land on your sandwich.

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Ewwww
March 9

Driving Rain

Driving Rain
I like the driving rain
Puddles spreading like a stain
An angry pour, threatening for more
Determined to be worse than ever before
The pounding is all pervasive
Stealing my peace and quiet
Making my thoughts invasive
Reminding me who’s the pilot
~Charlotte Greer Slater 3.11

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March 9


Lie beneath a spreading tree
With golden flowers in the sun
Count to (n) on all the petals
Never think of (n+1)
Watch the building-crammed horizon
Sky no longer meeting ground
Watch the golden flowers wither
Watch the golden dreams fall down
~Charlotte Greer Slater 7.3.11

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Campus
March 9

Artifacts of Change

Artifacts of Change
Teardrops meet my face.

I am fearless in my resolve.

I must devolve,

reprogram, and loosen his hold on me,

so I don’t spasm with nervous ticks

at the thought of being in the same place as he.

I must build my wall ever higher.

I must not tire in my vigil.

I must repair the cracks in my façade-

Hide the worry and present a strong face.

I will not allow him to debase me, efface me, and disgrace me any longer.

Love is a doing word-

Love is not in this equation.

Teardrops are mere artifacts of  change.

~Charlotte Greer Slater

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March 9

Dear Woodstock

Dear Woodstock,

You’ll never guess.

You know the man I said I’d meet someday?

Well, I’ve got something to confess.

He picked me up on Friday.

Asked if he reminded me of you.

I just laughed and lit a cigarette,

Said “I hope that’s impossible to do.”

My life’s gotten simple since.

And it fluctuates so much.

Happy and sad and back again.

I’m not crying out too much.

Think about you some of the time.

It’s strange and hard to deal.

Think about you lying there.

And those blankets lie so still.

Nothing breathes here in this apartment so cold.

Nothing moves or even smiles.

I’ve been thinking of some way to hide.

And there’s bars out here for miles.

Sorry about the every kiss.

And every kiss you wasted back

I think the thing you said wasn’t true,

I’m not going to die alone and sad.

The music’s feeling real these days.

Yeah, Boo, it hurt’s me some.

Never thought I’d feel so blue.

Woodstock, you’re almost gone.

I think I’ve fallen out of love, I hope…

I’ve fallen.. out of love . . .with you.


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March 9

Stupid, and stubborn, and mulish

And as one who pursues a shadow,
As one who hunts in a dream,
As the child who crosses the meadow,
Enticed by the rainbow’s gleam,
I, knowing the course was foolish,
And guessing the goal was pain,
Stupid, and stubborn, and mulish,
Followed and follow again.

~Charlotte Greer Slater 2011

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March 9


You have everything
Everything in the world

Can’t you just find it in your heart
to allow me to see my children?
Somewhere in the deepest part?

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Everything
March 9

For Piper

Tender as dew
Impetuous as rain
When you were born
I knew life would never be tame

With the allure of a blackberry Bush
Sweetest fruit you do proffer
But tough as the barbs and woody stem
So many facets on offer

Hiding, under a mane of spun gold
The fairest maiden by far
You are both subtle and bold
A spirit that will never grow old

Eyes that smile and decorate our day
Yet a character barely formed
I sit and wait for you to find your way
My golden child you will never be bored

Like the brightest star in the constellation overhead
You twinkle with mirth and allure
You leave my heart brimming in good stead
At once bold and demure

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