March 9

The night that refused darkness

The moon was so bright tonight, so full of himself.. casting crisp moonshadows on the landscape awash in a pallor of blue. The stars refused to yield and they somehow shone just as bright glistening like priceless gems by candlelight. The owls sang their courtship..”who cooks for you?”; Then a sudden movement out of the corner of one’s eye as they would glide silently from point to point until their plaintive questions turned into a raucous belly laugh upon reuniting. This bawdy festival of celestial and bestial bonhomie continued as the moon slipped overhead with a glare of eerie proportions as he conducted himself. He made the horses in the paddocks restless, and me too. I found even my dim eyes could perceive my progress across the field to find the smell of horses and quiet munching. I reached out a hand to find the warmth of large bodies and a smooth summer coat. I leaned in, and the mare leaned back to greet me. I stood for awhile, hands flattened and skimming her coat until I was sure to have the delightful smell of horse left on my hands. Then I bid her goodnight and picked my way by moonlight back to my door, through the throng of owls belly laughing in the bath of blue light. Upon crawling in bed I relished the smell of horses that clung to my hands and finally found sleep on a night that plainly refused to be dark.
CvWG 9/2019
The night that refused darkness

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March 9

Emotional darkness swallows hope and innocence

Poetry night, so bear with me;

Emotional darkness swallows hope and innocence

It is said that light and darkness can’t occupy the same space at the same time, but I know that
it can.

Oil and water, when mixed, form millions of tiny circles, as the hydrophobic properties of oil close
it off from the aqueous solution. Still, they stand together, in the same space, at the same time.
As is true of life and the human condition, emotional darkness swallows hope and innocence.

Then, shortly after, the reverse is true. What’s to become of the one who sees the two exist at
the same time? Light, existing parallel to the dark like oil on top of water. The soul of the
onlooker caught in between the two layers, staring at them both in confusion and awe.

Very few have experienced the phenomenon of light being forced to hold hands with the dark.

Neither moving. Going not forward, nor backwards. Not up or down. Just….still. I tell you it’s got
every resemblance to holding one’s breath indefinitely. Waiting for God to say “BREATHE!”; Yet,
the command never comes. Blind faith and exhausting loyalty sustain the lost who continue to
wait to breathe.

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December 27

Perilous Blue

She enters into it with faith renewed

Sometimes out of habit, heart without a clue

Faithfully, there’s only one constant true

Always with eyes of perilous blue


Her honesty disarms a man

And apparent fearlessness otherwise beguiles

Independent and stubborn

With eyes that flash of perilous blue


With creative Zeal that draws you in

Watch as she Revels in life’s Beauty and pain

Listen as she swears she do it all again

But something’s hidden under the perilous blue


Don’t box her in

Don’t tell her that you love her

Don’t think that she’s yours alone

Cos you’ll soon discover

Why those eyes are so perilous and blue


She doesn’t mean to wreck your world

Lower lip bitten in turmoil and fear

It’s just that she doesn’t know how to handle

The riches you freely offer unto her 

Left sitting there as she Fades out of view

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December 26

A Song

A song

When the time is right,

in the night alone,

I will conquer this,

and bring you home.

When this world is dark,

and the night is long,

when the time is right,

I’ll sing you a song.

When you are weak

I will be strong

I will come find you

Through the throng.

When words fail,

There will still be a melody,

And the song you will hail,

With strength and clarity

A song for all the days

For us and the tides,

Reminiscent of our ways

And our hearts all in one place.

When my eyes are dim,

And time begins to unwind,

You will remember our song

And sing it to me in kind

For one day you will be left alone

With nothing but our song,

No mistakes to atone

And forever in my heart you’ll belong.

Charlotte von Wolfle Greer 2019

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December 26

Three Strikes You Are Out, Ole Blazer

Gone baby gone,

You went and ruined it this time

Gone baby gone

Maybe you will finally opine


She’s run away for good this time

Fled from the all too familiar  scene

It could have been frogs fur fine

But you misdirected the whole damned thing


So she’s gone baby gone

And you are left with nothing

Resolved herself before dawn

And left you the ring


So sit back most eligible bachelor

And wait for the next fool

Three strikes you are out Ole Blazer

Surely you know the rules




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December 26

My Mother’s Hands

My Mother’s Hands


Dear gentle hands have stroked my hair

And cooled my brow,

Soft hands that pressed me close

And seemed to know somehow,

Those fleeting moods and erring thoughts

That cloud my day,

Which quickly melt beneath their suffrage

And pass away.


No other balm for earthly pain

Is half so sure,

No sweet caress as filled with love

Nor half so pure.

No other soul so close akin that understands,

No touch that brings such perfect peace as Mother’s hands.


~Charlotte G. Slater       1.18.01

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December 26


I stand here under the golden dim of the gas light. 

As I have for fifteen years.

Afraid to move or relieve myself from this plight,

afraid to give up the fight. 


The yellow cast of sulfur light washes the color from my face,

denuding my visage of its true colors,

humiliation my badge

waiting for time to turn wrongs to right

making great attempts not to cadge


Who knew the torture had a name?

A phrase for his invalidating ways

I was part of his control game

Oh how the heart betrays


Instilled doubt denudes reality

overwhelms perception

Ceases to honor boundaries

draws the real truth away like a siphon


I doubt my world

I doubt my sanity

retreat to the little girl

where I pray he can’t hurt me


I find myself isolated

try harder to do his right

all the while my sanity is debated

many cannot see my plight


His opinions are fact

His stories carry impact

deftly applied with great tact

He continues to distract as I slowly begin to crack


Shamed for standing up for myself

accused of abuse for reactions in self defense

suddenly comes the big crack in your health

up and over psychoses’ fence


Borderlines feel like the victim

Narcissists make you theirs

wisely fear the narcissist’s conviction

while you marinate in you own despair


go ahead and run circles around me 

It doesn’t make you right, 

only lies presented cleverly

In the dimness of the gaslight

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry, Hurting When I Write | Comments Off on Gaslight
December 26

Here comes the sunshine

Here comes the sunshine


Here comes that daughter of mine

Here comes wit sublime

Here’s a poem for her for all time


Sweet kisses

Three wishes

Lovely MacKay


The most beautiful

The most willful

The most fantastic countenance 

I have ever seen


Sweet bliss

A mirthful twist

Lovely MacKay


You bring me so much joy

A love that does not cloy

My heart you fully employ


~Charlotte Greer Slater 8.7.09

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December 26

Enter Twilight 

Enter Twilight       


Looking back on my life

I see all my mistakes run rife

Wake up another day but the pain won’t go away

What am I fighting, in my own peculiar way?


Enter the twilight

And rise into the light of dreamtime

Give me knights and dragons to smite

As I rise straight through the night and out of time


Into a light I pass

Another dream another chance

To succeed I must find my compass

Through the maze will I advance


I’m going to find my way in life 

Finally see things in black and white

Making everything all right

If I could just rise to the light


Because I know there is time

So I must exercise my dreamtime

Resolve demons as night hours chime

Sorting my life while supine  

– Charlotte Greer Slater      7.16.11

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December 26

I Chose

I Chose

Today I chose it over the ocean

Over the trees, their fall leaves

A hawk perched high on a branch

Over the chandelier of sunlight broken

By a cathedral of trees

On azure waves: over sweet smelling flowers

Shaped like teacups and trumpets

Over my ivy garden where I once dreamt


Today I chose the steeper path

I stare defiantly at God’s wrath

I dare the world to encumber me

For I shall chose to shed its weight

And dwell with the stars and moon

Above the treetops

With the owls and night noise


Today I found a reservoir

I chose to find the font inside myself

I will lie down in crocuses

But rise again to the treetops

With owls and night noise

To lift me high

~Charlotte Greer Slater 3.10.09

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