May 12


Despair is the ultimate sin, and I don’t mean that in a religious way. I mean that once you
despair you are done for. Take a drink, take to chicanery, tell lies, cheat… all active living
things, whereas despair means giving up, it means death.
I have fended off the spare many times, evaded it’s noose. I shall continue to for all my time. I
will set an example for my girls to follow.
Mac said to me the other day when a girl at the store upset her when she made an effort to
make friends. (Mac really had her feelings hurt) I told her of the millions of times I had been
hurt- but she said: “But mama, you are always happy and smiling” I told her how your skin
toughens up with age and you learn to shirk off the mean people and focus on the positive.

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May 12


When a facade breaks there is rubble; and the better and more elaborate the facade, the more
rubble there is. For facades take work, and beget hopeless belief over disbelief. The crumbling
can be hidden at first, but eventually, the most ornate of facades will tumble.. leaving its
architect shattered somewhere in the rubble.

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May 12

The Soil

There’s a healing virtue to soil. It accepts the most revolting things and by some miracle
transforms them in two lovely flowers of trees, crops, flowers most ornate. The soil even takes
on the most blackened of souls, and hold them fixed. Keeping their victims safe, like a buffer
allowing for time to take precedence. The soil has nothing but time.

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May 12

Watching the News

Life Demands a rational approach. But the last thing men and women will be is rational. They’ll
be martyrs, saintly or devils, brave or cowardly, intelligent or stupid, but rational? No.
Modern verbiage calls them mixed families. Old fashioned hearts decree it dovetailing. Whatever
metaphor likens to mind, there must be plenty of love to go around. If I only had one apple and
four children, I would quarter it equally and dole it out just so… regardless if they came into my
heart via womb or marriage.
It’s times like these I am embarrassed by my own inability to weep. I feel grief in my mind, a
constriction in my chest, even a hard painful lump in my throat, but the release of tears of
denied me. Years of not daring to cry, telling myself feared played said if I once gave way, I’d be
done for and never stop.
Enough of tragedy on the news. Of evil step parents and their views. I just happen to know that
if it were me in that place, they have to come through me to abuse anyone of my children.

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May 12


So it’s not that drug this time, but some drug is always getting abused. Used for all the wrong
reasons, like an ill-fated Voyage, she’s lost at sea. And then there’s me, the soft landing, the
one who played succor to her misdeeds.

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May 12

I Remember

I remember…
I remember, as a very little girl, maybe three or four, lying on a blanket in the backyard where I’d
been put down to take a nap. Instead I was watching my mother hang sheets on the line. My
mom must have been about 27 then, long and graceful and shapely. The sun, as I remembered,
was behind her, and would cast her dark outline on each white sheet and she pinned it up. Her
head, upraised arms and elbows in silhouette, her hips and waist below the sheet, she would
rise on her painted toes each time she attached a clothespin. It was like watching a shadow
play. As I lay there sleepily watching, I saw her pass along the line of hanging sheets, setting
poles between the sheets to prop up the lines… sometimes as a shadow, sometimes as my
mother. The brevity of the moments between the sheets, when she was there glancing at me,
her real self, made them startling and filled me with love. There she was and then a few
seconds later there she was again.. much to my delight.

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March 28

Two Days

There are only two days in one’s lifetime that nothing can be done… yesterday and tomorrow… Today is for love, compassion, joy, understanding and general unmitigated enthusiasm. We must embrace the moment as much as our brains and bodies will allow. We must keep things in proportion.

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March 27




Life, sometimes when you’re in it you fail to see its goodness.  Push comes to shove, and all is upheaval. You find you’re walking on a wire.  When you finally pick up your head and start feeling in good stead, you find you just might have something to inspire.  Here comes time to reflect if you dare. The truth shines through, sometimes more sweet than bitter, often more bitter than sweet.  Every new moment sure to compete- so that in old age you find yourself replete.

Let the stories be rich and varied.  Some you can only tell in your own head. Scandalous and brave memories.  The kind that keep you in good stead with the devils and angels alike. Acts of valor, some that exercise your moral powers.  Or demonstrate the fortitude your mother so kindly gave you. All these things will hopefully incite some form of pride and a willingness to make your debut.

So make some memories- be so careful not to forget.  Write them down if you must. Tuck them away safe for a day when you feel life fading.  Remind yourself of the beautiful existance you have crafted, a ballast full of memories to fuel your old age.

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March 25

Perceptions Lost (To Wish Impossible Things)

Perceptions Lost


To wish impossible things seems my destiny- I sit here in the truck only wishing, letting my mind wander with my desires- Taking me close to things I cannot hold or possess.  Remember how it used to be? With the stars in the sky- they were as real as you and me. Remember how we used to be? Now I am destined only to wish impossible things. And now I cannot call and share with you the delights of my day.  I am left to my own devices, my own quiet prayer. Now I dare not go there. So I carry a little more melancholy in my heart, it seems to have endless capacity for it- Why I do not know… It was your sweetness that filled me with hope to wish impossible things- To dare to be happy.  But all I wish has gone away- The stars are not real- Merely satellites as placeholders. Nothing is real anymore, merely an illusion, just a ruse to break my already vulnerable heart. Please take care with my fragile heart…someone….


~Charlotte Greer Slater


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March 25




Teardrops meet my face.  I am fearless in my resolve.  I must devolve, reprogram, and loosen his hold on me, so I don’t spasm with nervous ticks at the thought of being in the same place as he.  I must build my wall ever higher. I must not tire in my vigil. I must repair the cracks in my façade- Hide the worry and present a strong face.  I will not allow him to debase me, efface me, and disgrace me any longer. Love is a doing word- Love is not in this equation. Teardrops are mere artifacts of change.


~Charlotte Greer Slater


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