I stand here under the golden dim of the gas light.
As I have for fifteen years.
Afraid to move or relieve myself from this plight,
afraid to give up the fight.
The yellow cast of sulfur light washes the color from my face,
denuding my visage of its true colors,
humiliation my badge
waiting for time to turn wrongs to right
making great attempts not to cadge
Who knew the torture had a name?
A phrase for his invalidating ways
I was part of his control game
Oh how the heart betrays
Instilled doubt denudes reality
overwhelms perception
Ceases to honor boundaries
draws the real truth away like a siphon
I doubt my world
I doubt my sanity
retreat to the little girl
where I pray he can’t hurt me
I find myself isolated
try harder to do his right
all the while my sanity is debated
many cannot see my plight
His opinions are fact
His stories carry impact
deftly applied with great tact
He continues to distract as I slowly begin to crack
Shamed for standing up for myself
accused of abuse for reactions in self defense
suddenly comes the big crack in your health
up and over psychoses’ fence
Borderlines feel like the victim
Narcissists make you theirs
wisely fear the narcissist’s conviction
while you marinate in you own despair
go ahead and run circles around me
It doesn’t make you right,
only lies presented cleverly
In the dimness of the gaslight