Heading Home
Heading Home 6.14.16
Heading home used to fill me with Dread
As I would steady myself for the onslaught
Definitely putting up fortresses in my head
Every breath hastened with fraught
Nowadays heading home is one of my pleasures
As I wind my way down Old Highway 53
A sense of elation I cannot measure
The mountains a cue to set my heart free
Navigate curves betwixt Precambrian mountains
The Appalachians swallow up the radio signal
As I motor to my secret bastion
All my cares fade and dwindle
The road nestles in along the valley
Talking rocks and baptizing holes for landmarks
Peaks rising up and stealing sunlight greedily
The great mountains like massive bulwarks
To my left a Mountain Road appears
A 30 degree slope as it makes its climb
Past little cabins up a single-lane I must steer
Ears popping twice as I mount the incline
To manage the ascent my truck strains and pulls
Around dog leg bends and double back turns
I reached the peak taking in Mountain Air by the lung full
And suddenly a husband chickens and a farm are my sole concerns