Her assigned deity has been conveyed
She only felt selfish when she prayed
Shunning God’s house and feeling unwelcome fed her dismay
Declining to trumpet what the church parlayed
Closer to God under a cathedral of trees
Understanding His purpose in the flowers and bees
Afraid to declare this sort of worship meets His needs
Left doubting herself, her faith and the dogma the church heeds
Fed lies and opinions from well meaning clergy
Given pat answers from sheep quoting liturgy
All this only compounds her misery
And leaves her to cognitive dissonance and fearing purgatory
Feeling her plight to be personal
Desperately vying for the infernal
Onslaught of demons inevitable
As they try to undermine the weakened vestibule
Stories of personal enlightenment are shared
She feels anger and jealousy when her lacking is bared
The invective she spews cannot be compared
But she wouldn’t deny Him if she dared
So is she to be spared?
Do heaven and angels care?
Is her Trudie still there?
Or is she trapped in a devil’s snare?
She hears the calm voice, still a Southern drawl
The voice declares even the devil believes in God
She wraps angel’s wings about her like a shawl
But you must reckon with him, the voice will still prod
So she salvaged her courage and reached out once more
Found herself curled on the floor
After reading a sermon like never before
Written by a mere mortal who could show evidence of his own sores
A new way of going
The roads are better banked
She feels sated and suddenly growing
As she sets off on a journey, her direction now flanked
For it was only in her own mind, this closing off from God
He was there all along, hanging on through the throng
Watching her struggle to belong
Letting his angels sing their beautiful songs
~Charlotte Greer Slater 9.5.11