How does one make it stop?
How do you keep them from hurting you?
I run till I drop
But they keep getting through
You get lulled into a false sense of security
you think you are safe
you let go of your purity
and find that it only chafes
I am battered
I am betrayed
get in line
only to be dismayed.
Won’t you let me go?
can’t I be free?
am I allowed to say no?
or am I succor for your greed?
Will you or any man ever admit his faults?
can I believe you when you speak?
I cannot jump all the vaults
only to come to the end and be meek?
Don’t you dare love me you traitor
You are not allowed to speak
I am cut as if by an abattoir
and I begin red blood to leak
You are not allowed my succor
you are not given my feast
you are cast adrift without pucker
and lacking courage of the very least