April 3

If I Could

If I Could

If I could
I would fold myself away
Like a love note saved
for a rainy day.

If I could
I would ride away
like the hero
at the end of the play.

If I could
I would find a way to convey
Like a telegram
important news concisely displayed

If I could
Like a businessman with skills to parlay
I would find my niche
And never stray

If you would
just let me retreat for one day
I would find my center
and be able to act out the play

Really I should just divest myself
of the worry and fret
stop trying to hedge my bets
and just pray.

~Charlotte 6.7.09

© 2020 charlottes.art - All rights reserved.

Posted April 3, 2020 by Charlotte in category "All of Charlotte's Poetry

About the Author

From Review: "Charlotte von Wolfle Greer is an artist in the truest sense of the word. Tormented, embattled, strong, fearless and fearful. Curious, and full of wonder yet jaded and defeated at times. An artist shares what they feel. A true and brave artist shares what they feel completely as Charlotte does, in these pages." -Erik Johnson