April 3

Wonderland Lost

Wonderland Lost

There is no Cinderella
Peter Pan is grown
That doesn’t keep him sober
Nor does it keep him home

Old King Cole’s not so merry
His wife’s the Wicked Witch
Red Riding Hood seeks shelter
From her wrath – and her switch

Wonderland is a wasteland
The Giving Tree a stump
Little Bo Peep’s playground
Is a needle-infested dump

Harold grabs his purple crayon
And draws Jonah’s whale
In its belly he finds his haven
A compulsory fairy-tale

~Charlotte Greer Slater 2011

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April 3

Here lies the body of Charlotte Greer

Here lies the body of Charlotte Greer
Whose mouth would stretch from ear to ear
Be careful as you tread this sod
For if she gapes, you’re gone by god

Here lies the body of Charlotte Greer
How she came of it was rather queer
She advises you inspect the boards at the pier
For the boards are not always what they appear
Here lies the body of Charlotte Greer

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April 3

The Opening Eye

The opening eye

I close my eyes so we might see
the one I’ve always ignored.
They wait there still for us to be
and for our sight to be restored.

Peeling back my lips
exposing muscle, veins and skull,
now over shoulders, chest, and hips
we shed, and now we’ll mull.

Layers of armor, useless now,
we will abandon here!
For they weigh us down
and it is time for “I” to disappear.

Shrugging off these suits of me
a tedious process, yes.
But when we’re done we all shall see
through these eyes that we possess.

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on The Opening Eye
April 3



Tripping over thoughts,
stumbling over questions.
Just can’t connect the dots,
keep your fucking suggestions.

Searching for the end of infinite,
wading through an ocean of bullshit.
I’ll find my way if it fucking kills me,
crawling up from this cold, dark pit.

Their expectations upon my shoulders,
pulling me down to drown like them.
Sailing into crimson waters,
my sun is flickering, getting dim.

I hold on tight, but I’m losing grip,
slipping away from my destination.
I feel reality begin to rip,
moments away from dissipation…
and then I let them go.

They fall to the flourescent fires,
“Don&’t you fucking know
I have my own desires?”

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Condemnation
April 3


What of motivation?
unconscious or denied
helps us reach our destination
or at least say we tried

Some hold motivation impure
filled with calculated desire
aimed at increasing tenure
building an empire

the narcissist fuels motivation
harmful thoughts inspired
unleashes it on his target
yielding results his mind conspires

destructive by nature
deliberate in consequence
forethought defter
delivered with poisonous pretense

sample evil incarnate
if you dare
leaving you prostrate
and fighting for air

for the narcissist will always prevail
will wear you down
in all his bent motives entail
delivering your breakdown

~Charlotte Greer Slater

Category: All of Charlotte's Poetry | Comments Off on Motivation
March 28

Two Days

There are only two days in one’s lifetime that nothing can be done… yesterday and tomorrow… Today is for love, compassion, joy, understanding and general unmitigated enthusiasm. We must embrace the moment as much as our brains and bodies will allow. We must keep things in proportion.

Category: Like Soliloquies | Comments Off on Two Days
March 27

The Trophy

The Trophy

The seas are ever so stormy,
And no land in sight.
Will this craft buck and reel for eternity,
With me trapped tight?

I am conflicted
I am loved
I am addicted
I am shoved

I am witness to chaos
I am torn
I am soaked in pathos
I want to be reborn

I , the trophy gathering dust on a shelf
Then comes a man who admires me for what I am
He, that he loves me for myself
Picked me up and dusted the hurt way, opening the dam

We both said this will end in tears
From the start it was out of our control
And we both dread our worst fears
But here we are now- heart and soul

Is there a happy ending?
Can we make all this work?
Is it wrong, the time and love I am spending?
Or are we all hopeless jerks?

I am now the shiny trophy
Yet still tied down by the other
You woke me to the catastrophe
But I am still beholden to another

How do I reconcile with the pain?
How would I go on without you?
Although I try in vain
I still love you….I still love you.

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