March 27

The Trophy

The Trophy

The seas are ever so stormy,
And no land in sight.
Will this craft buck and reel for eternity,
With me trapped tight?

I am conflicted
I am loved
I am addicted
I am shoved

I am witness to chaos
I am torn
I am soaked in pathos
I want to be reborn

I , the trophy gathering dust on a shelf
Then comes a man who admires me for what I am
He, that he loves me for myself
Picked me up and dusted the hurt way, opening the dam

We both said this will end in tears
From the start it was out of our control
And we both dread our worst fears
But here we are now- heart and soul

Is there a happy ending?
Can we make all this work?
Is it wrong, the time and love I am spending?
Or are we all hopeless jerks?

I am now the shiny trophy
Yet still tied down by the other
You woke me to the catastrophe
But I am still beholden to another

How do I reconcile with the pain?
How would I go on without you?
Although I try in vain
I still love you….I still love you.

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Posted March 27, 2020 by Charlotte Von Wolfle Greer in category "All of Charlotte's Poetry

About the Author

From Review: "Charlotte von Wolfle Greer is an artist in the truest sense of the word. Tormented, embattled, strong, fearless and fearful. Curious, and full of wonder yet jaded and defeated at times. An artist shares what they feel. A true and brave artist shares what they feel completely as Charlotte does, in these pages." -Erik Johnson