There is a place
There is a place
Wrapped in brown paper and tied with string
Waiting for me….
Occluded by plain paper, belying its beautiful contents
And in the half light I can almost see it.
Moving through the fields and whispering pines
Over well mended fences and sleeping horses so fine.
The people who once lived here loved this place,
and now I get to love it the same
my mother and her dearest wish
became my dearest wish
and look what it all became
now I will tend the farm
I will till the soil
I will plant the seeds
I will fret over the weather a bit
And I will reap the peace and happiness
In the night the creek will babble
The cicadas will drone
The owl will sing his plaintive whistling song
While my family sleep
In the mornings the animals will stir
Light will pour in through every window
Steaming mugs of tea will welcome the awakenings
There are children, a husband and animals to feed
Horses wait impatiently for grain and hay
Hens sit their eggs and wait for scratch
Dogs lie in the morning sun
Vegetables sit ripe and dew fallen waiting to be picked for dinner
I see the entrance now…
A sign crafted by me
An avenue of trees
A destination called home.
~Charlotte 7.16.09